Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Now, those of you that know me will know me for not being fussy about my food most of the time. The expections are if I am paying top drawer or I am cooking for myself. Now, if eating out you can not tip, send stuff back, leave whatever.

When you are at home cooking and I start by preparing my food I have an idea if I am cooking/eating for convenience or as an activity in itself. Tonight I went out and got my stuff, came back in, opened a bottle of white and started preparing the grub.

The idea was to finish the stuff I had in the firdge, rather then go for beef again I decided to do a simple salmon steak in a parsley, lemon and cream sauce. The shop had no salmon so I decided to go for more of those lovely shrimp I had with my steak last night. So I sitck the carrots in, have a beer, stick the green beans in then stick the shrimp in a light olive oil and a lil bit of salt. Now this is where I got pissed off, the bastards shrunk to a third of the size! Then I realised they where heavily frozen, these were not the same batch as I got yesterday . . . Unfortunately due to the beer and glass of Vino I had I could not go out and get some better quality shrimp . . . I was stuffed with this shit! I tasted one and it tasted as most frozen seafood does. Plain. The seafood equivilent of froze, inensively farmed chicken.

So as in all time tradition, if the ingredients are shit, season hell out of it, I added some (a lot!) of parsley, stuck a good glass of white wine in, put the lid on and let it reduce. As I necked a glass of the wine myself. One for the food, two for you. It will taste better that way, the wine and the food ;) . To finish I squeezed a wedge of lemon, and added some cream in to it and whacked the lid back on. As I served it up I gave it a twist or two of pepper (mixed corn, out of the grinder).

And then sulked.

It tasted ok. But it was ment to taste good. I am on my own a lot at the mo and I am trying to use my time constructively by getting back into cooking, mainly simple (quick and nice looking) yet good (as in healthy and tastey) food. I am going to stick with my idea of cooking the same thing 2 nights in a row and buy some better shrimp tomorrow. I hope to get some better shrimp so that I can use less parsley, lemon and cream and really try and serve it in more of a white wine reduction that is subtle enough so you can taste the sodding shrimp, not disguise it.

Hmph. Why do blogs turn into grumps? They should be called glogs. Grumpy-logs . .. . There you go my first million is tied up in that idea.

On a high note, the wine was a good deal, crisp and light, ideal for shit seafood. . . . ;)

I am now going to protest by doing my laundry. How the hell do these toploaders work? Expect a drunken . . . no . . . I'll do the laundry tomorrow !


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