Sunday, June 29, 2008

It is now the end of June and I have not been on my snowboard since May, so here is a .... montage..... of my last week up the hill.

Enjoy, spelling mistakes an' all...

Friday, June 20, 2008

It seems only fitting that my first post on my blog in California follows the form of my early "move to USA" posts.  In short.  

1.  I am missing the Mrs :)
2. I am ... "mildly" inebriated
3. I have some free time on my hands!

Smurf arrives 1pm on Saturday, we are going to see the Red-bull helicopters then watch the Turkey game :). we may have a few beers!

Then I have the week off.  So needless to say, with the Cal-i-forn-i-a sun we will spend a lot of time on the beaches, a lot of time playing golf (I bet Smurf bloody wins....) and a lot of time doing NOTHING.

Soooooooo, this was kind of a Sienfeld post, a lot of promise, nothing really happened, but you still enjoyed it! 

FYI: I am now web-cam enabled..... select video at your peril....