Thursday, July 23, 2009

With the ever changing world and the evolving mediums we use to communicate with people it is amazing how closely you have to keep an eye on content... With that said, I am reviving my blog and in the foreseeable future will go back to having my own domain...mwahahaha!

Originally I set this blog up to stay in contact with friends, family and my now wife! It was very successful in allowing that and it would appear it's time has come again!

This has been an interesting couple of weeks, some business travel with a colleague I have a great rapor with, some good discussions, meetings and meals.... which really leads to my current issue.


Or more particularly:


Body mass.

And a somewhat of an excess.

Each summer, or as I like to call it - the off season, I put a good few pounds on! With that said my mountain bike has been rebuilt and survived its shake down (as did I!) and should be getting more use out of it for the next few weekends while Kate is at college. The business travel is over for a while so the food intake should normalise and I have every intention of, oh dear how can I say, going to the gym. At least once a week..... So I get my minimum of 3 good exercise stints a week...

That last part is an admission to the gravity of the situation. As you all know, mass times gravity equals weight...


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