Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I have had such a good day today! I woke up to hot coffee, my mornings work went well, got to talk to Smurf, got an email from Mother (apparently I need to mind my language on my blog . . . . .I am about to turn 30 and I still get a ticking off!) That was all before lunch!

Now I hope you are all sitting down because a few big things happened today . . . Firstly I bought a pair of jeans . . . Yep, that’s right! I bought, from a real shop, a new pair of jeans . . . .that means I have bought 2 pairs of new jeans in 5 years. I bought the pair today, before that I bought a pair in Feb as I had to get some (they are now in the bin). Last Spring I bought a pair of twisted on eBay and the pair I got before them were in about 2001 and were acquired by swapsees with Mullot!

Right, I take it you have picked yourselves up off the floor and are sipping your water. I will continue. I had a good lunch with Ana and a successful afternoon at work. Then I picked up my season pass  How cool is that, I actually have in my hand my season pass  Check the back to back season passes and the coolio photo for this year! Last year apparently I was not elidgible for PVC, not such exclusions this year ;)

The day gets better. I went for a swim, it was hard work but was great! Then I needed to go shopping to get some bits and stuff. When I was walking around safeway I noticed the champers was on sale, I got a Cliquey for $33 . . . call it £14 ! It was the last bottle on the shelf and the offer ended today!

So I got in, ate my sushi *yummy in my tummy* cracked a beer open sat down and told you how great my day has been. An to top it all off I get to call Dave in a bit, today is a special day in the year (well, October 5th is) as it is the only day of the year Dave and I are the same age lol !!!!

K, I am off to chill before it is my bet time!


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