Thursday, September 14, 2006

Not happy.

As some of you may know when I was in the UK my PDA broke. The port on the bottom that lets you plug the charger in is knackered, meaning you have to take the battery out to charge it and yo can only sync the thing via IR or BT. If any of you have a PDA then you will know this defeats the purpose of them being quick and easy to use.

It turns out it will cost $60-$100 to fix my lovely HP2215. So I jumped onto craigslist (a classified ads website) and did a search. Sure enough I found a HP4150 (smaller and better spec then mine, has BT and Wi-Fi) $100 later I had it. It came with a cradle/CD spare dock/chare cable and a metal case. The later being very important if you have followed my tales of GPS woe . . .

So here is a piccy of the new bank breaking device. Mine is in English not Japanese, you smart arse gits . . .

Brett just shelled out $600 for his new PDA which is a slightly better specced DELL but is a bit bigger too.

Good news is TomTom works faster on this (although it is the the MHz as the 2215) and Skype works really well on! I will be using it tons more in Wi-Fi hot spots (like PDX).

On another note, I am one step closer to a Meadows season pass, I have a group of 3, the last person is being pinned down and whipped until they agree . . . I will update you on that saga another time.

A big thanks to Mum and Dad who gave me a massive contribution to buying my season pass as my 30th birthday present. Mother forgot I woudl be 30 in a few weeks. Looks like I am officially off the hook from earlier in the year when I did not remember her birthday! i won't rub it in . . . much!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

got one of them here too... not too bad. Should have said.. could have borrowed it "for a while"

Got a Nokia 770 now.. much better!

1:12 am  

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